Git Galaxy lite

Covering the space of open source projects and initiatives

/r/webdev FAQ

For a long while now I’ve taken to perusing the /r/webdev subreddit, and have taken to doing my absolute best to answer any question I come across both in the beginner questions sticky thread and any up and coming posts in the new section. I’ve noticed over time many questions are asked quite often, so I thought I would go through and aggregate ... Read more

Building Pogo

It’s been a while since I’ve made an effort to write a story for Git Galaxy. But we’re picking up on a strong note - the background and story of Pogo, a podcast feed platform I’ve been working on for the past eight or so months. It began before Git Galaxy in it’s current incantation, but pretty near enough the two are associated in my mind. I w... Read more

Moving to GitHub Pages

So you may have noticed some downtime recently, after the publishing of our open letter, and defiently notice the change of design. You can check that letter out for more details on this decision, but I want to go into some of the details and the experience of moving to GitHub Pages. The first hurdle to get over was getting our posts off of our... Read more

Changing My View of Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks tout features like making it “painless to create interactive UIs” and being “Approachable”, so why have I held off learning one for so long? For the longest time now, I have been a huge supporter of avoiding frameworks, especially frontend JavaScript libraries, in favour of writing everything as close to “bare metal” (as c... Read more

Writing an "emotional" chat bot

A lot of things have changed since the beginning of computers. At first we used to type everything out in such a mechanical fashion – in a way a computer could understand. The first “voice commands” couldn’t understand you if you were off one or two words. But, in 2017, it’s much different. Now you can phrase any question to Google Assistant an... Read more

A Look at Hacktoberfest

DigitalOcean and Github have teamed up to encourage people to contribute to open source - but what exactly is “Hacktoberfest”, and what does it mean for the larger Github community? Let’s talk about the two companies behind this. There’s Github, the well known and massively popular git repository hosting platform on which the competition is bei... Read more

README: Monetization

It should be no secret that Git Galaxy is sort of a money sink right now, with no monetization enabled. This changes today. First, to the uninitiated, let’s talk about why this is such an important move. For months now I have been running Git Galaxy out of my own pocket, financing this startup with my own capital. While it could easily run for ... Read more

NodeMC: How Open Source Can Crash and Burn Into Something Beautiful

Minecraft, almost everyone has heard of it. It started out as a small indie game, and has since then become one of the best selling games of all time. Kids are fascinated with it, adults are ashamed to admit that they still play it. Regardless, one has to admit that it’s been a prime influence on society today. One that doesn’t appear to be goi... Read more

Opening Schools to the Students

Open source schooling is more possible than you’d think. I have recently started school once again, going to a fairly average North American high school here in British Columbia. While I have been out of the loop for a while (mostly homeschooled), I’ve come face to face with the realities of the public school system. While most people see the s... Read more

Companies Open Source: Walmart

Companies Open Source is a series where we explore projects from large companies that have been open sourced. Walmart is an absolute juggarnaut in the consumer world, with stores selling everything from clothing to produce to televisions to outdoor supplies. As such, they need an infrastructure that is able to handle massive amounts of traffic,... Read more