Git Galaxy lite

Covering the space of open source projects and initiatives


It should come as no surprise that this website is built upon the Ghost blogging platform, a kickstarted project that was hugely successful, and continues to grow. Since it’s inception, there have been over 7,000 commits to their Github repository, with people writing hundreds if not thousands of lines of JavaScript that helps power this websit... Read more

Should Adobe Open Source Flash

It’s no secret that Adobe Flash is being killed off. For a while now Flash has been going down the slow painful road of obsolescence. Since Chrome 55, HTML5 has been the prefered experience for users1, and we’ve seen sites like YouTube rewrite their Flash portions to take advantage of HTML5 standards. While HTML5 standards surge in popularity a... Read more

The World of Open-Source Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a topic that has seriously interested me in 2017. Although we constantly hear about the “death of VR”, I have faith that VR is the future of technology to some degree. It might take decades and we probably won’t be ditching our normal lives for the a virtual one, but VR has an unbelievable potential to take off. Now, VR offeri... Read more

Why am I seeing ads?

Quick little update - We’re going to be experimenting with different ways of monetizing this website, and occasionally we’ll be implementing Google Adsense into articles. While this is not ideal, we want to see the impact from doing so. If you have other ideas of how to monetize, please feel free to let us know - we’d be happy to move away from ... Read more


Everything and probably the kitchen sink. Many decisions have been made while setting up Git Galaxy, not least of all what we should use for mail. I first considered using Gmail, but I felt that looked less professional and was much less flexible as well. I definitely wanted to host our own mailbox, because past experiences with things like Zoh... Read more

Podcast Update!

Hello! So, it’s been a little while since the last update, and in that time I’ve made some fairly decent progress on fully testing White Rabbit. While I am still scratching my head over how to implement iTunes-specific XML tags into the gorilla/feeds library, I’ve gone ahead and deployed it to a Droplet. It’s a small, 512MB VPS (the original ... Read more

README: Podcast

So for the past couple weeks, I have been working on a podcasting platform app in Go (one of the programming languages by Google) that can automatically generate a podcast RSS feed based on a flat-file directory structure. Basically how it works is by using specially formatted episode names to parse out info for the episode, and pull info f... Read more

GitHub Stargazing - June 30, 2017

It’s time to do a roundup of the weekly trending repositories on GitHub, and cover exactly what each is trying to accomplish and what language it is written in. magic-wormhole Python magic-wormhole is primarily a library for transferring files from one computer to another using “wormhole codes” over the internet. It also provides a small comma... Read more